Lizzie of Anders Lorents
Shar Pei
Lizzie of Anders Lorents
Shar Pei
Sex Female
Birth: 01/12/2021
Color Azul
Topazio Sumiya Blue From Wrinkled Eyes
Bolt of BR Sumiya
Yumi from Wrinkled Eyes
Pampers Junior 69 RJ Sorter
Noble Dynasty 3RD Otilia
Pug&Pei 5Th Balu of Noble Dynasty
Keiko 69 Rj Sorter
Tiffany of BR Sumiya
Pampers Junior 69 RJ Sorter
Malala 82 RJ Sorter
Wrinkled Eyes Blue Mandarin
Akebia Lilac do RJ Sorter
Baruk do RJ Sorter
Bella of Alvin Born